Walking Away

Walking Away

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Quelle Surprise

Fantastic surprise today my friend Sal Page told me my story 'Friends' had been included in Flash Gumbo Issue 1 http://t.co/b5gLnG0Ngi. She'd received an e-mail to say her two marvellous stories had been chosen. I was so pleased for her she writes great flash  read‘Teach me the Ukulele...’ and ‘Wilfred’s Glasses’ here   http://t.co/b8geZY0UTq As usual I liked my story but we never seem to be in the same anthology or published at the same time. We've broken the mould at last :)

Good news on the home front my Mum has decided to have my Dad home from respite care with additional support. I can't wait to tell him the news he'll cry buckets of joy. The social worker has been a tower of strength for me over the last six weeks. Their job is so hard, working within financial restraints and trying to do the best for all parties. My parents will have been married 66 years on the 31st July so it was sad at this stage in their lives they were living apart. Old Age can be very cruel and unforgiving.

I took my left foot to see the Surgical Appliance team on Wednesday. He agreed with me that the foot was turning inwards as I walked and I had muscle wastage on the calf. That's because I've been dragging it behind me for the last five months! Fractured feet are a pain :) I'm having insoles made as I type, well not now but during working hours.

Encouraging my mum to take one day at a time and ignore the what ifs. It's what I've been attempting to do and being fairly successful :)   

Things I like

  • Writing
  • Wit
  • Voltaire's Candide
  • Theatre
  • Shoes
  • Reading
  • Music
  • Laughter
  • Coleslaw
  • Cheese